license plate birdhouse

Gardener’s News        January 2016

Go Patriots!


President’s Message:

I’m counting down the days until winter’s end, unfortunately according to the weather reports the season’s snow has only just begun. The Montreal Express and Alberta Clipper are on their way. To block out an expected Nor’Easter I’m planning spring projects and trying to stay warm. I can’t wait for the January workshop when we make bird houses. See you there! Peg Parenteau

Club rule change:

Due to a number of issues the Executive Board has decided to add a new standing rule regarding the expenditure of committee funds. The following was worked on and agreed to by Executive Board members at the Jan. 6 meeting. It will be added to the club’s rules if a majority of the membership attending the Jan. 25 meeting agrees to its wording and necessity. The new rule is as follows:

(This motion is to replace the motion from October)
“No check shall be written that is over and above the limit of the approved Garden Club Committee budget until the following are met:
Any dollar amount between $0.01 and $249.99 must have majority of the board approval.
Any dollar amount over $250.00 must have…
First: Board approval and the approval of the majority of the general membership present at the following general meeting.
Second: Notify members via e-mail/newsletter of the upcoming proposed expenditure.
Third: Approval of the majority of the general membership present at the next following general meeting.”

The general membership will discuss and potentially vote on this new rule Jan. 25.

Committee Reports


Decorative Door Contest–Civic plans to announce the winners of the decorative door contest at the January meeting! Co-Chairs Birute Silvia and Tim Steadman


Our members will show us how to make delightful wooden birdhouses during the Jan. 25 meeting. If you have not let Judy or Carol know you want in, please email or call them to ensure we have enough materials for all those interested. It’s $13!!

Co-chairs Judy Burnett, Carol Beffert-Banks & Susan Spaulding


Toolin' AroundToolin’ Around the Garden
by John Duggan
Happy New Year my fellow Brockton Garden Club members! With 2016 upon us, I have set a few New Year resolutions I would like to share with everyone:
• This winter I resolve to not get caught up in the media hysteria of winter snow storms and try and clear my roof of snow on my extension ladder to only have the ladder slide off the icy gutter onto the paved driveway – with me attached to the ladder!
• This year I resolve to remember to add 2-cycle engine oil to my weed wacker in order to not destroy the engine and then spend $500 in small engine repair classes to fix the engine when I could have bought a new one for $125!
• This year I resolve to build new window boxes for the front of my house so that my neighbor Diane Sterling is not embarrassed by the lack of flowering plants in the window box cages when she is on her daily walk with her good friend Peg Parenteau!
• And lastly, I resolve to never use an eight-foot step ladder and chain saw at the Patriotsame time in taking down tree branches – I can still see the look on my doctor’s face when I had to explain this to him when I fell off the ladder! I hope everyone has a safe and healthy New Year – especially me!  Go PATS!


Reminder: Jan 25. meeting is at 7 p.m. at the Arnone School. Bring your shears!
See you then!Newsletter flower