Developed from the Brockton Branch of the Massachusetts Civic Federation, the Brockton Garden Club was founded in November of 1929 with 74 Charter Members.
90th Anniversary Celebration, Presidents' and Guests' Night, Oct. 1, 2019
How to "Go Native!" to attract pollinators was the theme of the celebration of Brockton Garden Club's 90th Year, where also current and past presidents were honored. Neighboring garden club members and officers also attended. The Garden Club received three citations for its 90 years of service to the community by local and state officials. Deborah Tricket of "The Captured Garden" showed how native plants can be beautifully planted in containers to attract poliinators in any setting. The event was held in the lovely multi-purpose room of the Brockton Main Library on Oct. 1, 2019. Many thanks to Claire Lineberry, president, Lisa Landerholm, second vice president, and other officers and club members for many hours of organizing and preparing the event. (Photos by Janet Trask and Lisa Landerholm)